在美国合作伙伴和低压注塑行业同仁热烈邀请下,低压注胶行业的**者东莞天赛塑胶机械有限公司将和美国合作伙伴共同参加2018年6月26-28日在美国圣何塞举办的传感器展(Sensors Expo)。 此次展会东莞天赛将介绍在传感器运用低压注塑工艺的原理与优势, 展示低压注胶技术在传感器行业的较新运用以及低压注塑对传感器行业发展的促进,期待各位新老客户届时现场参观交流。 更多展会信息/ June 26th-28th,2018 LPMS International will attend Sensor Expo held in San Jose June 26th-28th,2018 LPMS International and LPMS-USA will demonstrate low pressure molding equipment in Sensor Expo held in San Jose, CA. You are welcome to visit our booth.Booth number TBD. To get more information, please visi